Sunday, July 05, 2009

LADY ABIGAIL's 15th BIRTHDAY July 4th 2009 Good

I have been blessed over the past 15 years to have the company of my sweet pooch, Lady Abigail of Glen Ellyn!! She has been a faithful companion!

We started out the day with a bath and then I dressed her up in a red cami, a red white and blue sign that said Happy Birthday and a white corsage!

There are two videos in this blog!
The first one shows her how tired she gets after a bath -- she's all dressed up in that one. The second one is of her eating a slice of cake that Christie and Julie brought over! I couldn't believe how she chomped it -- just like she would a steak if she got it. She sure loves human food -- anything but celery. There were many times she took our food. One time a turkey cooling on the oven door. Many times meat! Another time she ate David's homework!! YES teachers, it does happen! He had to carve his initials (3D) in a raw potato and it turned out awesome,as he took a long time. He put it on a step going down to the basement as "for sure she was too little to get it" (she was about 7-8 weeks old). BUT, get it she did and David had to re due it!

I love you little lady and thank you for these 15 years!!

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